domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

Solving Problems



Tyler and Christina are playing a game in which each player either wins, loses ot Draws (ties). The winner is awarded 5 points, and the loser loses  5 points. If it is a draw 0 points are awarded. For te first 8 rounds Tyler had the following results: lose, win, lose, win, win, lose , win ,draw. What was Christina's point total for the rounds? Explain how you did it.

win = 5 points
loose = -5 points
Draw =0 points

-Well first I divided the points between the two of them.

    Tyler                                                                                          Christina
lose = -5                                                                                    win =5
win = 5                                                                                      lose = -5
lose = -5                                                                                   win =5
win = 5                                                                                     lose = -5
win = 5                                                                                     lose = -5
lose = -5                                                                                   win =5
win= 5                                                                                      lose = -5
draw = 0                                                                                  draw =0

Now all we have to do is add and subtract the point for each of the players.

Tyler                                    Christina

Total points: 5                      Total points: -5

Christina total points is -5 (negative 5) so the winner is Tyler with the  diferrence of 5 points.

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